Sophia Rodriguez

1982, VE


Sophia is from Venezuela and attended at first the training program of the National Theatre Company of Venezuela, where she acquires a Bachelor of Theatre in 2002 followed by an apprenticeship at the Experimental University of the Arts in Caracas-Venezuela UNEARTE in the field of contemporary dance and a specialization in Funambulismo at the National Circus School of Cuba.

In the following years she performs in various productions in Venezuela, Cuba and other South American countries including the companies Neodanza, type-O de Caracas, Ecole Sauvage and Compagnia ¼ Experimental.

At the same time she continues her training regularly and with great interest in various workshops.

Also in the field of dance teaching and choreography Sophia acquires valuable knowledge and practical experience.

In 2010, Sophia decides to participate at the Master-Campus-Training of Switzerland at the Scuola Teatro Dimitri in order to integrate her knowledge and experience into a solid, creative form and combine both, technology and art, with the aim to create her own projects and performances.

Her ultimate goal is to direct a school for experimental art movement by herself. For the school year 2011-12, Sophia receives a scholarship from the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation for her Master program.

In 2013 Sophia is selected to participate at the danceWEB Scholarship Program 2013 in the frame of ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival under the mentorship of the Bulgarian choreographer Ivo Dimchev.