
Christina Thurner (1971) is a professor at the Institute of Theatre Studies at the University of Bern. From 1996 to 2007 she was assistant for German literature at the University of Basel. She received her doctorate in 2001, followed by her habilitation in 2008. During this time she worked as a dance journalist for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and international journals. She is also a member of several commissions and committees for dance and performing arts, including the University of Bern, the Institute for the Performing Arts and Film of the Zurich University of the Arts and the Swiss Dance Archive.

Grandi sogni 2023/TZ_2209-Pagina 1a-Unica.jpg

codearts article M.Harms

Tessiner Zeitung - The Making of a Dream, wenn Träume wahr werden - 31 May 2019.jpg

Doppelpunkt - Enger Tanz mit Bildern - 14 February 2019.jpg

RSI - The Making of a Dream

La Regione Ticino - Un successo… a passo di danza - 2 November 2018.jpg

Zeitschrift FLUNTERMER - Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation für Tanz und Filme - 9 September 2018.pdf

Züriberg Artikel - The Making of a Dream - 31 May 2018.pdf

Züritipp Kinoprogramm - The Making of a Dream - Daniela Ambrosoli - 24 May 2018.pdf

Zwei Teenies auf dem Weg zum Tanz-Olymp - Tagblatt Zürich - 31 May 2017.pdf

Ivan Urban nimmt seinen Abschied von der großen Ballettbühne - 7 July 2016

Danzasi - Interview mit Daniela Ambrosoli - June 2016.pdf

Züritipp - 4 June 2015.jpg

La Regione Ticino - June 2015.jpg

Züriberg - 4 June 2015.jpg

Tages Anzeiger - 8 June 2015.jpg

Tages Anzeiger - Die Meisterschülerin - 1 February 2014.jpg

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, ZHdK - Acknowledgement - 2014.jpg

Danzasi - Interview with Daniela Ambrosoli - April 2013.pdf