Stage production “cutting of the cord” by the company “konstant*labil”
«Two characters, they wait. Bizarre dialogues, ensnared poses, dramatic rhythm changes and the fusion of text and movement. Through introspection the two characters figure out what they are waiting for and why they are trapped here.” The stage production “abgenabelt (cutting of the cord)” by the collective “konstant*labil” is a dance theatre production. With the means of expression like dance, pantomime, acrobatics, text and singing, devote the two movement artists Eva Weibel and Lou Steiger themselfes to the subject of becoming independent, to cut of the cord. The focal point of the piece is a philosophical and physical research with the central issue: in what way can we cut the cord regarding social and physical standards? And will by doing so, result or arise some new standards? The 45-minute dance play should be available to all people, regardless of gender. We would like that the audience gets on their own discovery journey and that they assume self-responsibility for their thinking and acting. It is not intended to specify or to point out to the audience how one should live. The presentation of our world should rather provoke and evoke questions to the audience’s own world. The main goal is to animate the audience to relativise their own conception of reality. This involves a collective work process with an individual responsibility.