Lucia Solari's premiere of “Half the Beauty”
Since the season 2019/2020 our ex-scholarship taker Lucia Solari started dancing at Staatsballett Karlsruhe. Now she had the possibility to create her first choreography as part of the ballet evening “Zukunft Choreographie” (A future in choreography). This special ballet evening is the chance for 14 members of the ensemble to show their skills as choreographers of the future. In this process Lucia created her choreography “Half the Beauty”, a ballet to the music of Sergej Rachmaninow. The piece twiddles with the connection between the perspective and the observer of a landscape. The live premiere held place on the 17th October 2021 at 7 p.m. at the Grand Hall of the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe for all 14 choreographies. The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation sends sincere toi, toi, tois for the premiere of Lucia and the whole ensemble.
Did you miss the premiere? Here you can watch “Half the Beauty”:
©Costin Radu