Gonca Gümüsayak's creativity during corona times
We are very proud of our ex-scholaship holder Gonca Gümüsayak. She managed to fill these dark corona times with so much creativity and positive things. Along with creating her own YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-CU80F6ZUCWDz_e2FBBIKA?view_as=subscriber), she also started a successful website (http://www.gumusayak.com/egitimler/) for online dancing classes and online yoga classes. Furthermore is she on her way to become an academic at the Dogus University in Istanbul. Therefor she initiated her doctoral studies to become a fully commissioned faculty member in the near future. The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation wishes Ms Gümüsayak all the best and good luck!
©Harun Ozkara