Support at Tanz & Kunst at Königsfelden
"The plan of the well-known dancer and choreographer Filipe Portugal to initiate a summer academy. The course for newly trained dancers is a wonderful project, a creative idea that gives this young artist insights into the world of a dance company. The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is proud to be part of this new opportunity for young dancers from the best academies in the world". - Daniela Ambrosoli, President of the Zurich Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation for the promotion of dance and music at the highest professional level.
Get your tickets now for the performances in Baden, Langenthal and Chur:
#DanielaAmbrosoli #PierinoAmbrosoliFoundation #filipeportugal #filipeportugalchoreography
#TanzkarrierePlus #TanzUndKunstKönigsfelden #Tanzakademie #Choreografie #Ballett
#ContemporaryDance #Nachwuchstalente #TanzShow #DanceAcademy #BadenAargau
#PreprofessionalDancers #PreProfessionals #Tanzkunst #StarsVonMorgen
Photo© Reza Khatir