Giada Rossi Principal Dancer November 2023
Our beloved dancer @giada.rossi was promoted to the Primera Figura category by director Joaquín de Luz of the Compañia Nacional de Danza, the highest level that a dancer can achieve at the CND. Giada received the loving applause of the audience and her colleagues on stage.
Congratulations! Giada Rossi was born in Fiesole, Italy. She begins her training at the AC Ballet Center School in Florence then receives a scholarship from the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation in 2005 to study at the Conservatoire Superior de Musique et Dance de Paris (2005-2007). Giada joined the the Royal Ballet High School London in 2007 and graduates in 2009. Between 2009/2013 she dances at the National Opera of Bordeaux In September 2015, she joins the Compañia Nacional de Danza in Madrid, at the address of @josecmartinezofficial. In September 2022, she rises to the category of Principal Dancer under the direction of Joaquin De Luz and rises to the first figure, Etoile, in November 2023.